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BFA Metal Art

Frida Svensson

To dwell among trees and vaesen. Explorations in unknown forests

“Det finns mitt i skogen en oväntad glänta som bara kan hittas av den som gått vilse”.
Tranströmer, T. (1978) In Sanningsbarriären. 

In the middle of the forest there is an unexpected clearing that can only be found by the one who got lost” . (Frida Svensson’s translation)
Tranströmer, T. (1978) In Sanningsbarriären.

The subject of my exam project is the forest. My relation to the forest, or humanity´s relation to nature. My focus is the tension between the forest as welcoming, warm, safe, something that we long for, that we use for recreation and contemplation, to relax. And the forest as frightening, dark, unknown, full of secrets. A place where you can get lost.

With the starting point in my personal experience of the forest I examine this tension, the concept of getting lost and my/our longing for the unknown. 
